Explore Our Main Services

Remedial Education Training

All the children are given Remedial Education to improve and fill their gaps in learning. Since many of these children were sent out from different institutions as they could not manage or the result was not achieved as the parents wanted. So we are focusing on mainly on their academic and behavioral issues and children are really improving.

Counselling & Psychotherapy

Mrs.Swapna Joseph and Mr.Shibu A Joseph are psychologists and they are doing the counseling sessions for children and their parents, Even College students and children from different schools and Adults from in and around of Mysore seek counseling and guidance from our institution.


LD mainly due to some sort of disorder / delay/ deficiency that affects one or more of the basics psychological process involved in understanding or in using spoken or written languages. The disability may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations. They are observed to be intellectually average or above average.

Behaviour Modification.

Along with Remedial Education we also provide Behaviour Modification to the children. Since they were not guided properly in the early stages, most of them develop some behavior disorders which need to be corrected through different behavior modification therapies.

Handwriting Classes

Since most of them are poor in studies and academics their handwriting gets worsened. Along with Remedial Education we focus on hand writing and the improvement can be seen within a short period.

Phonics Training

Most of the children do not have letter sound association in the brain, which is a must for learning. So we provide phonics training to create this association in their brain.

Spoken English Training

Most of them come from a poor background of English knowledge, so we provide free spoken English training to them

Free Special Training Program

Free special training program for the school going village children in the evening after the school hours. This is really helping the village children and they are given training in the subjects like English, Mathematics, Hindi, and Kannada. It is our social commitment to the children around us.

Life Skills Training

Many children are developmentally delayed, so many of the life skills are not taught by parents or ignored by them. Because they were busy in addressing the other issues. So we teach them in toilet training, eating habits, dressing habits, personal hygene etc..

Drawing, Painting, Craft

All our children are taught to Draw and Paint. We also teach them to make different things like flowers, bags, purses, animals and birds in the craft classes.


Children with Different Special Needs can be trained in NIOS (National Institute of open schooling) subjects. Training is given for Secondary and Senior Secondary Subjects. Children of any age.